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Julian Assange Granted Permission To Appeal Extradition


Julian Assange Granted Permission to Appeal Extradition


In a significant development, London's High Court has granted Julian Assange's request to appeal against his extradition to the United States. Assange, the founder and publisher of WikiLeaks, has been charged with espionage by US authorities in connection with his organization's actions.

High Court Decision

On Tuesday, the High Court ordered a stay in the extradition proceedings, allowing Assange to pursue a full appeal. The court's decision is considered a significant victory for Assange's legal team and a setback for the US government.

Legal Implications

Legal adviser at Amnesty International, Simon Crowther, hailed the High Court's decision as "a rare victory for justice." He noted that the court had recognized the serious concerns raised by Assange's legal team regarding the potential violation of his human rights if extradited to the US.

Next Steps

Assange will now have the opportunity to file a full appeal against his extradition. The appeal is expected to focus on legal arguments challenging the US charges against him and the conditions of his potential incarceration in the US.

Impact on WikiLeaks

The outcome of Assange's appeal will have significant implications for WikiLeaks and the future of press freedom. If Assange is extradited to the US and convicted, it could send a chilling message to journalists and whistleblowers around the world.


Julian Assange's successful appeal against his extradition is a major development in the ongoing legal saga surrounding WikiLeaks. The High Court's decision raises important questions about the limits of free speech and the protection of whistleblowers.

